10 SECRET Military Technologies 2021 | Military technology USA | U S


the military is known for pushing the
boundaries of technology but not all of
these advancements are known to the
public here are the top 10 most
secretive military technologies number
insect allies as they are
called is secretive and controversial
military technology the idea is that
insects can be used to help strengthen
and preserve food supplies during a crop
disease or a bioterrorist threat a FIDs
leafhoppers and whiteflies can be
deliberately infected with viruses they
can then pass these viruses to plants
and food supplies to make them more
resistant to biological attacks but
there is a controversial side effect to
insect allies if insects can keep food
supplies safe by infecting them with
engineered diseases then they can also
infect enemy food supplies with
decimating diseases the military has
assured the public that this is not the
the intention of insect allies but some
people still believe that the real
the intention of insect allies is a secret
number 9 the flying missile rail the
flying missile rail is a drone that can
be launched from the wing of a fighter
jet that is already in motion it is a
disruptive technology and it can be
launched in two ways the first is while
it is attached to a jet the second is
for the drone to fly away from the jet
and then launch remotely on command but
what makes this technology so amazing
and advanced is its production unlike
other costly military technologies that
are slow to produce the flying missile
rail has fast prototyping rapid design
and can be manufactured very quickly in
the fact the goal is to produce 500 of these
per month which makes it an advantageous
military technology number eight
microwaves sound the US military has
funded the early development of using
microwave sound as a weapon
microwave sound is not lethal but it
creates an awful sound in your head the
the project was originally known as Medusa
standing for mob excess deterrent using
silent audio employs a microwave
auditory effect
we'll only work if you are standing
inside a beam of microwave microwave
sound is still in its early stages and
there are of course some risks and side
effects the most notable being brain
damage the shockwave renders the person
who hears it utterly useless as they are
unable to think and become incapacitated
by the awful sound originally intended
as a method of crowd control, it is
unclear what exactly the military
intends to use this technology for
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number 7 exoskeleton the researchers at
Harvard's Wyss Institute for
biologically inspired engineer
have been hard at work developing an
extremely advanced gear for soldiers
DARPA soft exosuit is a wearable mobile
the machine that helps soldiers save energy
when out on the battlefield
the exoskeleton uses state-of-the-art
sensors and built-in technology to sense
when a soldier needs help it can assist
with movements and help carry heavy
objects for the soldiers it was first
tested on 7 soldiers who went on an 11
mile hike in Maryland the exoskeleton
was able to reduce their energy
consumption by 15% making it far easier
for troops to cover more ground more
efficiently number 6 the Phantom Express
the Phantom Express is a spacecraft that
is capable of launching secret missions
in space, the Phantom Express remains
highly secretive and mysterious but it
is expected to take flight in 2020 among
some of its advanced technologies are
its ability to run solely off
electricity and its ability to land and
take off vertically its main objective
is to aid in the future of rapid space
launch for small satellites the Phantom
Express would revolutionize space
missions currently access to space is
costly and slow but the Phantom Express
would provide both government and
commercial customers very fast and cost
efficient access to space the spacecraft
is a collaboration between Boeing and
the US Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency
number five robot mules are
exactly as they sound they are robots
designed to carry loads for both Marines
and soldiers across tough terrains the
ls3 is an example of a robot mule the
the legged squat support system was
engineered collaboratively by scientists
and engineers from Boston Dynamics
Carnegie Mellon the AAI Corps and the
Jet Propulsion Laboratory the project
was funded by DARPA and the US Marine
Corps the ls3 has a payload capacity of
400 pounds and can fuel up with enough
gas or diesel to walk for 24 hours
continuously it can follow its
a leader without the need for a driver it
can also reach predefined spots due to
it's GPS capabilities and its built-in
obstacle avoidance the ls3 is a military
technology that will allow soldiers to
move more efficiently and to carry far
more supplies with them than they could
carry alone number 4 mesh worms mesh
worms are a secretive military
technology that was inspired by the
real-life movements and agility of
earthworms utilize soft
robotics and as such they are unlike any
other types of robotic mesh worms are
wrapped in a weird pattern of nickel
titanium alloy which forms the mesh of
the mesh worm nickel-titanium is
extremely strong making mesh worms a
very durable robot their durability then
allows them to go where other robots
cannot for example they could be air
dropped from planes and land without
the damage they could also be launched over
long distances without sustaining any
injury furthermore because of their
small size and agility mesh worms could
fit through small places and crawl
through tight openings making them an
optimal surveillance technology the
technology for mesh worms was funded by
DARPA and the project took place at MIT
the full scale of their capabilities
though is not currently known to the
number three space-based lasers as the
technology for missiles becomes more
advanced so much the technology for
missile defense currently missile
defense can be found by manned vehicles
such as f-15s or
unmanned aerial vehicles UAVs but these
two forms of Defense may not be
effective as missile technology
increases so defense teams are looking
to space and wondering whether
space-based lasers may be an effective
form of missile defense currently
space-based lasers pose a number of
problems they don't have the range
needed to effectively destroy a missile
as a laser needs to concentrate on a
specific area for several seconds to
successfully destroy it and the lasers
themselves need to be more powerful than
the lasers are currently available however
defense teams have asked for three
hundred four million dollars in funding
to develop and test space-based lasers
and by 2023 they hope to run real tests
of this advanced military defense
technology number two hypersonic weapons
hypersonic weapons are being developed
in secret by several countries
throughout the world currently the
countries that have made the most
advancements when it comes to hypersonic
weapons are China Russia and the United
States hypersonic weapons are missiles
capable of reaching unfathomable speeds
if successful
hypersonic weapons will be able to
travel at Mach 5 or higher to put this
speed into perspective that's roughly
five times faster than the speed of
sound for around one mile per second
there are currently two types of
hypersonic weapons being developed
cruise missiles and hypersonic glide
vehicles cruise missiles would be able
to travel at heights of 100,000 feet and
would use a propulsion system called
scramjet hypersonic glide vehicles on
the other hand would be placed on
rockets and then launched they would be
highly maneuverable and could keep their
target a secret right up until
detonation the speed agility and
maneuverability of hypersonic weapons
makes them a formidable threat as there
are currently no defense systems in
place for either type of hypersonic
number one fly BOTS don't let the size
of these tiny drones fool you they are a
highly advanced military technology with
endless possibilities fly BOTS were
developed at the Air Force Research
Laboratory and they are meant to blend
in with or mimic nature they resemble
tiny insects and because of this they
can fly undetected by enemy surveillance
fly BOTS can even hide in swarms of real
insects making their detection almost
impossible they are controlled remotely
by a highly trained pilot because of
their size they can fly almost anywhere
it will prove to be a valuable military
technology and although surveillance
will likely be their primary purpose
these fly BOTS have a number of other
capabilities the military is exploring
the potential of fly BOTS when it comes
to swarms
for example fly BOTS could be equipped
with poisonous gases that they could
transfer to places that soldiers cannot
go the gases could then be easily
released by remote control
fly BOTS could also in theory be
equipped with high-powered mini
explosives and although one mini
explosive may not seem that threatening
if swarms of these fly BOTS entering a
building or enemy zone they could quite
literally decimate an area the military
technology of drones in general has the
ability to drastically change the face
of war and these tiny fly BOTS are on
the front line of these advancements and
while some of their capabilities have
been explored there are surely
capabilities that remain a secret which
is why the drone technology of fly bonds
has earned them the top spot on this
list of top 10 secretive military
technologies check out our previous
videos on the top 10 abandoned real
estate developments that fail and the
top 10 most haunted wrote on earth and
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