10 Most Insane Military Drones In The World 2021


hello everyone you're watching the
channel incredible facts military drones are increasingly used in special operations they allow reconnaissance from the air and thanks to their small size sneak unnoticed deep into enemyformationssome drones can not only carry out reconnaissance and surveillance but also fire today we will not talk about large unmanned aerial vehicles but show you the 10 smallest and practical military drones in the world vapor is an all-electric small unmanned aircraft system offered by Aerovironmentit was unveiled at the defense and security equipment international convention held in London in Sevaporall-electric helicopters are meant fordefensecommercial and industrial missions theunmanned rotorcraft can fly at a speedmiles per hour37 kilometers an hour against peak windspeedswhile the maximum flying speed is 42miles per hour72 kilometers an hourit can operate atan altitude of 12000 feet above mean sea level and cantravel up to 35miles 56 kilometers from its launch siteit offers a maximum endurance of 60minutes when carrying a maximum payloadwhile the maximum hover endurance is 45minutesvapor 55 and vapor 35 have a payloadcapacityof 4.5 kilograms and 2.27 kilogramsrespectivelynovodem nx70 novodamnx70 is a micro reconnaissance unmannedaerial vehicle by french aerial roboticsmanufacturer novodanthe micro UAV is used in surveillancereconnaissancesearch and rescue public safety privatesecurityand firefighting missions the UAVmeasures 51 centimeters longcentimeters wide and 13 centimetershighthe maximum takeoff weight of theaircraft is one kilogramnx 70 carries a bi-spectral payloadincluding an ultra-high resolutionelectro-optical day cameraand thermal camera the micro drone has aa standard range of 1 kilometerand has a maximum range of 5 kilometersit can endureairborne for up to 45 minutes the nx 70can fly even in harsh environmentsincluding wind speeds up to 65kilometers an hourrain dust and hot and humid weatherconditionsanafi usa the anafi usathe unmanned aerial vehicle is manufacturedby french UAVdeveloper parent, it is intended forvarious applicationsincluding military homeland securitypolicesearch and rescue emergency responsefirefightingsurveying and inspectionthe Hanafi USA UAV carries a gimbaltriple camera payloadwith up to 32 times continuous zoom anda tilt range of negative 140 degrees to110 degreesstabilized in three axes the payloadcomprisestwo CMOS imaging sensors electro-opticalwide 4khdr camera and a FLIR Boston 320 longwaveinfrared imaging camera for capturinghigh-quality real-time imageryand video even in tough flightconditionsthe parrot sky controller 3 remotethe controller provides enhanced control forflying the Anafi USA drone up to a rangeof 4 kilometersthe unmanned aircraft offers a maximumendurance of 32 minutesand can be operated in no-fly zonesalpha 800 alpha 800the unmanned aerial vehicle is manufacturedby alpha unmanned systemsthe unmanned rotorcraft is configured toperform multiple tasks includingreconnaissancesurveillance inspections and delivery ofemergency suppliesthe medium-range platform is designedfor surveillance and target acquisitionand is capable of detecting surfacetargets in all weather conditionsthe VTOL UAV has a length of 1.7 metersa height of 0.6 meters and a rotordiameter of 1.8 meterspowered by gasoline the alpha 800 weighs14 kilograms and can carry a maximumthe payload of 3 kilogramsthe latest version of alpha 800 features
new software from Scitec
which enables the UAV to capture high
resolution images
and detect moving objects efficiently alpha 800unmanned rotorcraft has an endurance of3 hours and can be operated within a range of 18 miles30 kilometers it has a maximum cruise speed of 34 miles per hour55 kilometers an hour
thor is a vertical takeoff and
landing mini
unmanned aircraft system developed by
helmet systems global defense electronics company based in Israel the multirotor drone will be deployed in surveillance and reconnaissance missions over land and at sea featuring quad-rotor design it can carry a maximum payload of 3kilograms and offers a 360-degree view to the operators when carrying out missions thor mini uas is powered by electricpropulsionensuring an operational speed of 25miles per hour40 kilometers an hour and a maximum speed of 40 miles per hour65 kilometers an hour it offers the maximum range of 10 kilometers and can endure for up to 75 minutes the flight ceiling of the uas is up to2000 feet spike firefly miniaturetactical loitering weapons a new weapon of spike family precision-guided missiles developed by Raphael advanced defense systems defense technology company based in Israel
typical mission capabilities of the
firefly include situational awareness engagement of enemy targets beyond the line of sight scouting for maneuvering force and tactical reconnaissance in urban battlefield scenarios the firefly miniature tactical loitering the weapon is armed with an omnidirectionalfragmentation warhead weighing 350 grams the warhead offers high lethal blast effects against behind cover enemy structures beyond the line of sight the loitering weapon has a maneuvering speed of up to 37 miles per hour60 kilometers an hour and a dive speed of 43 miles per hour70 kilometers an hour it has an operational range of 0.5 kilometers in urban scenarios and up to one kilometer in openenvironmentssangha sangar is a new armed dronesystemdesigned and manufactured by a says Guarda part of assist electronics and information systems to serve as a force multiplier for low-intensity conflicts the drone is capable of performing critical tasks during defense operations by the security forces is the first domestic armed drone system to be operated by the Turkish armed forces the drone system's machine gun can fire
nato class
556 by 45-millimeter rounds it has athe maximum ammunition load capacity of 200roundsand can also support single and 15 roundburst modesthe armed drone serves as a military rapidreaction system that neutralizes knownthreatsthe maximum operational range of thethe unmanned vehicle is 3 kilometers
sangha can hit targets within a 15 
centimeter area
from a distance of 200 meters 
pegasus family of transformable
unmanned aerial systems 
unmanned ground vehicles are being
offered by robotic research 
the tactically deployable autonomous
the robotic system can operate as a vertical 
takeoff and landing uas
and a tracked ugv the pegasus family 
encompasses three variants including
midsize pegasus ii 
heavy lift pegasus iii and small
backpack-able pegasus mini 
pegasus family of autonomous systems
is capable of performing various 
missions at areas that are inaccessible
other robots it can fly through 
buildings upper windows
land inside and move around the top 
floor for investigation 
the pegasus has a maximum endurance of
up to 30 minutes in flight mode and up 
to 2
hours in drive mode 
skydive x2 skydio x2 is a new
reconnaissance drone manufactured by 
a leading autonomous flight technology 
provider based in the us
it is intended to meet the short-range
reconnaissance requirements of the us 
the skydio x2 drone is capable of 
performing a range of military missionsincluding reconnaissance search and
rescue and patrol 
it uses unmatched artificialintelligence to transform every operator
into an expert 
pylon the drone has a length of 0.38
width of 0.30 meters and a height of
0.10 meters 
it approximately weighs 1.3 kilograms
and can carry custom payloads up to 150 
the drone offers a range of 3 miles 6 
kilometersin urban environments while the maximum
line of sight range is 6 miles 
10 kilometers it has a flight endurance
of up to 35 minutes and can fly during 
and night
black hornet the PD-100 black hornet is 
a tiny unmanned air vehicle
developed by FLIR systems the black horn 
at UAV allows armed troops to spy
potential threats 
the small remotely controlled rotorcraft
helps to save the lives of front-line 
the black hornet offers intelligence
surveillance and reconnaissance support 
to armed forces
in mission-critical operations the UAV 
has a length of about 10 centimeters and
a rotor span of 12 centimeters 
it has a weight of 16 grams including 
that of the surveillance camera
the total system excluding the display 
weighs less than one kilogram
the black hornet can fly at a speed of 
10 meters a second
it has a maximum endurance of 25 minutes 
the technology onboard the UAV
enables the operator to control the 
drone from a maximum range of 1000
that's all friends thanks for watching 
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drones you liked the most
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